
Humming Heart

It often beats like wings too fast for us to see, wings we already have to soar. When it gives, it truly receives only when there is no benefit to gain from being open. It is inside of us, waiting to be set free.

Still Here

We are not locked away but inside ourselves. Not chained to individual moments, but connected by a series of experiences that made up our lives. The person you want to be is in that story.

Tree of Life

#Nature has designed our world of #Trees to begin the rebirth of our lifetimes each and every day. It is the loss of our #World that is begging us to leave it better than we found it. Within the #Planet, we are one.

Single Use Death

Suffocation induces a horrific panic, the desperation for relief from an overwhelming burning pain as your lungs scream for oxygen. In this moment, you wish for death because it would relieve the sensory overload of fear. If your air has no oxygen, the gasping pain is worse. Your lungs clog with unbreathable gas and contaminants. As the body’s oxygen is depleted, organs and muscles cannot work, causing further anguish — heart attacks are the most painful of such effects. It is not only mammals who suffer this excruciating process — all marine animals threatened by plastic polution can suffer these effects, including suffocation.

More than 1 MILLION marine animals die every year from plastic debris.

Climate March

Over the past couple weeks Climate Change has been in the headlines more than ever before, with flash floods and wildfires raging across the entire planet. Discussion has shifted slightly to the now instead of only to the future, but we need it to shift *heavily* to the now, until it’s something everybody is talking about, not just the usual suspects. It’s what we’ve needed all along, for the world to take this issue seriously, and we need to keep talking about it. No matter what, TODAY will always be the best day to take the initiative. TODAY will always be the best day to speak up, be loud, and demand climate action. What is our future if not today?


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